



1. 亚马逊订单丢失申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the loss of my order #1234567890. I received a notification on my account stating that my order has been delivered, but I did not receive it. I have checked with my neighbors and the local post office, but there is no record of the package.

Please advise on how to proceed with this issue. I would appreciate a refund or a replacement for the lost item.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

2. 亚马逊账户被封申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the suspension of my account. I understand that my account was suspended due to a violation of the policies outlined in the Amazon Seller Agreement, however, I believe this is a misunderstanding.

I would like to request that my account be reinstated as soon as possible. I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation necessary to prove that I did not violate any policies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

3. 亚马逊产品被标记为不可售申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the labeling of my product as “not for sale.” My product meets all of the requirements for sale on your platform and has been successfully sold in the past.

Please advise on how to correct this issue and remove the label from my product listing. I appreciate your attention to this matter.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

4. 亚马逊产品评价被移除申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the removal of my product review. I believe that my review was fair and honest and did not violate any of the guidelines outlined in the Amazon Community Guidelines.

Please provide further information about why my review was removed and how I can ensure that future reviews are not removed without proper justification.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

5. 亚马逊退款金额错误申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the refund amount that was issued for my order #1234567890. The refund amount was less than the original purchase price and I believe this to be an error.

Please review my order details and provide a full refund for the original purchase price. If there is any additional information or documentation needed, please let me know.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

6. 亚马逊订单取消申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the cancellation of my order #1234567890. This order was canceled without my knowledge or consent and I would like to receive the items that were ordered.

Please advise on how to proceed with this issue and have my order reinstated. I appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

7. 亚马逊账户被盗申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the unauthorized access to my account. Someone has gained access to my account and made unauthorized purchases using my payment information.

Please advise on how to proceed with this issue and recover any lost funds. I would also like to ensure that my account is secure and prevent further unauthorized access.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

8. 亚马逊物品损坏申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the delivery of a damaged item. The package arrived damaged and the item inside was also damaged beyond repair.

Please advise on how to proceed with this issue and receive a full refund or replacement for the damaged item. If additional documentation or information is needed, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

9. 亚马逊账户被冻结申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the freezing of my account. My account has been frozen without any explanation or notification, and I believe this to be an error.

Please review my account information and provide any necessary steps to unfreeze my account. I would also like an explanation for why my account was frozen and how to prevent this from happening in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

10. 亚马逊账户资金被扣押申诉

Dear Amazon,

I am writing to dispute the withholding of funds from my account. A portion of my funds have been withheld without explanation or justification, and I believe this to be an error.

Please review my account and provide any necessary steps to release the withheld funds. If additional documentation or information is needed, please let me know.

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]






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